Tuesday, November 01, 2005

An extra day from RWA?

Late last year, Romance Writers of America sent a handy wall calendar to each of its members. Mine's on the bulletin board near my desk, and just a minute ago I turned the page from October to November. Something didn't look right, so I stared at the calendar for a minute, then blinked when I noticed that November will end on Thursday the 31st.

If only it were so. We'd have an extra day for Christmas shopping and you NaNoWriMo nuts would have an additional twenty-four hours to hit fifty thousand words. And authors with December 1 deadlines could relax a little.

Unfortunately, November has only 30 days. So if you're an RWA member who's using that calendar, you might want to cross off Thursday the 31st.


Neal said...


Does the calendar have December starting on Thursday or Friday? If it's the latter, then the whole of December is useless for you all ...

Robin Bayne said...

Too funny : )

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

That's way to funny. how embarassing for RWA! Only you my dear Brenda could find that one!

Brenda Coulter said...

Neal, that was the first thing I checked. I should have mentioned that the December calendar is fine.

Bonnie babe, nobody has ever called me a nerd quite as sweetly as you just did. ;-)