In search of more green, I just walked the perimiter of our property (not an arduous task, as it's only a half-acre), but the only other flowery things I found were two tired snowdrops and two half-hearted crocuses.
Ah, well. April is coming. And I've been very clever about the daffodils, planting them in bunches of twenty or more in various locations in the front and back gardens. We have bulbs of different sizes and colors, some with earlier bloom times and some with later, which means that whatever happens, at some point this spring there will be several patches of daffodils in the Coulter garden. Stay tuned for photographic evidence.
My hunk o' burnin' love has filled the whiskey barrel fountain in the front garden and the stone fountain on the patio, so even if it doesn't look pretty outside, it sounds good, what with all that splashing water and birdsong and the occasional dong of the windchimes, all heard through my office window, which I have just opened for the first time this year.
I know we're just a few days away from the vernal equinox (I think it's March 20 this year), but I won't believe spring has arrived until I see it in my own back yard.
My regular column is up today at Romancing the Blog. Click over and let me know what you think.
1 comment:
It's actually surprising to see some actual sunshine and so much green appearing at this time of year, especially since after a very ice cold Winter (which technically is still on). But it's definitely a refreshing sight to see. :) I guess Spring is anxious to get here!
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