Early this morning, the novel-writing was not going well. After deciding I didn't like my opening paragraph, I fiddled with a new one for over an hour--and still didn't like it.
I put the teakettle on, grabbed my camera just in case, and stepped out into the wet back garden to clear my head.

I thought about Julie Andrews and her "Raindrops on roses"...and I hummed a little.

I paused at these beaten-down roses and this small, deformed Gerbera daisy and reflected that even imperfect things in the garden
--and in life--can be beautiful.

I wondered what kind of spider would be coming to check this wet web for bugs.

I wondered why, out of the whole packet of mixed-color morning glory seeds, all I'm seeing is white blossoms. What happened to the jazzy pinks and cobalt blues? Are they planning to make a fashionably late appearance? (You can't even see the morning glories in this photo, can you? That's the problem.)
I heard a fly buzz and wondered why that always sounds like people conversing quietly behind a closed door. And why, even when I know it's just a fly buzzing, I always hold my breath and try to eavesdrop.
Then my teakettle whistled and I came back inside. During the five minutes it took to steep my pot of Earl Gray, I realized what was wrong with my opening paragraph and fixed it.
It's good now, thanks to one very brief stroll in the garden.
I love it!
I usually throw on my head phones and listen to Adie Camp's song "YOUR WAY"...it's so inspiring to me for some reason.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, it's almost as if I have a garden through which to walk now....
Happy Friday and I hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend! God Bless.
Thanks, Sheri.
You know, every time I wonder if I'm putting too many garden photos on this "writing" blog, somebody e-mails or leaves a comment saying how much they enjoy the pictures. So I guess I'll keep posting them....
Isn't it funny (or not so funny) that we can find inspiration all around us - in ordinary every day things, even if it isn't so pretty.
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