Thursday, January 03, 2008

The blogger is IN

I don't want to start off the new year apologizing and explaining; suffice it to say that I needed a vacation from this blog and I took one.

I recently learned that after four years of blogging, Edward Champion called it quits on Return of the Reluctant, a litblog I have often enjoyed and occasionally linked to. Apparently, blogging lost its charm for Ed and he's now spending that time on other things. (I'm wondering if he'll work on perfecting his omelette-making technique, on which I recently advised him.)

Reluctant and I have had ourselves a good time over the years. But I’m a different person now. And I finally confessed to a good friend on the phone that I really had nothing more to say about books or the literary world in the Reluctant format. And I laughed for ten minutes over how absurdly simple the choice was. When something stops being fun, it’s pretty easy to become decisive.

Absolutely. Right there with you, Ed. But you won't hear any teeth-gnashing from my direction over Reluctant's demise; not as long as the blogisphere continues to grow and change and thrive.

While Ed will be missed, good bloggers arrive and depart every day--and that's part of what keeps my list of Daily Read blogs so fresh and interesting. I'm continually editing that list as I discover exciting new blogs, grow bored with old faves and delete them, and "lose" others when people like Ed Champion hang up their blogging hats. Last week I added the eclectic and enormously entertaining blog of actor and author Stephen Fry to my RSS feed reader.

As for my own blog, it passed a milestone last week. It was three years ago on December 26th that I set up a Blogger account and created No rules. Just write. Posting has been sketchy lately, not because I'm tired of blogging like Ed was--although I expect that will happen one day--but because other things demanded my attention. It might take me a little while to get back into the groove, but who knows? Tomorrow I might post something wonderfully profound or entertaining.

Or maybe it will be the next day. In any case, this seemed like a good opportunity to thank everyone who has been reading NRJR. Your comments here on the blog and your e-mails are a big part of the reason why I'm still having a good time doing this.


Bhaswati said...

Lately, I have been too swamped to keep up with my blog. However, I know that will change as soon as work eases a bit. I really enjoy the community spirit that blogging brings with it. Yours is one of my favourite stops, Brenda. I sure hope you stick around for a while.

Happy New Year!

Brenda Coulter said...

Thanks so much, Bhaswati. I, too, enjoy the social aspects of blogging. I've "met" many dear and interesting people through this blog.