Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Excuse for not blogging #5 in, "Only five more shopping days 'til Christmas.

Busy week here. Apologies. I'll be back on Saturday, probably.


DebMc said...

Perfectly okay. Excellent excuse. After all, who of us has time to read blogs at the moment. Well, besides me, of course.

Me...I've got the presents purchased and most wrapped. Lest you think I'm too-big-for-my-britches (as my Grandmother used to say), I still have cookies to make, grocery shopping to do, and my kitchen is a mess.

All in all, I'd rather read blogs and leave comments.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Brenda Coulter said...

Have a Merry Christmas!

I did. Thank you. I hope you had a lovely one, also.