Thursday, July 14, 2005

Some bloggers still don't have a clue

I wrote a while back about my lack of sympathy for bloggers who get themselves fired for blogging on company time with company equipment or for saying ugly things about their companies while still accepting paychecks from them. So I couldn't help but nod my agreement on Tuesday when Beatrice posted this about a publishing professional who wrote some very unprofessional things on her blog and got herself fired. Then the young woman compounded her stupidity by blogging about why she was fired. So Beatrice wrote:

Here's a hint: If there's something you don't want prospective employers to know, like how you got fired for publicly badmouthing your bosses, don't mention it on your blog, especially not in ways that clearly underline how you blame them for your own mistakes. And what were you doing accessing your blog on your work computer, anyhow? Always assume that your workstation is being monitored by the IT department, and act accordingly.

You can click over for details, but really, it's the same old story we keep hearing. Why does it still amaze me that common sense doesn't appear to be all that common among bloggers?


Anonymous said...

That's why I don't even like to send hubby funny stuff to his work email address. I'll email stuff I would ask on a phone call--Can you pick up fajitas for dinner? or Are you working late tonight? or Did you file your expense report for that last business trip, cause I just got the AMex bill?


This blogger seemed pretty immature for a 27 year old. But I guess she should be happy that she got her wish and doesn't have to do this job anymore.BTW, Blogging wasn't her only wasting-time activity at work. She also wrote: :::I'm a message board junkie because let's face it, there's not much else to do here at my job sometimes:: This after she'd bemoaned being passed over for promotions that went to younger coworkers. Hmmm..maybe if she'd WORKED at work instead of having WEBSURFED and BLOGGED there,she might have gotten a promotion?


Mikesell said...

And here I thought when I saw the post's title in Live Bookmarks that you were devoting an entry to moi.

--Chris (dFm)

Anonymous said...

Chris, did you think she was writting about you?

Brenda Coulter said...

Ha. Made you look, Chris.


Mikesell said...

Yeah, I figured after Monday's post over on my blog that you were raking me over the coals.

--Chris (dFm)

Brenda Coulter said...

Chris, I just now popped over there and saw your feeble report on the romance novels. ;-)

I'm beginning to feel like I ought to let you off the hook. Okay, I'm a horrible person, I loved the thought of you suffering a little, but I never dreamed it would be this hard on you....

Mikesell said...

Actually, it's not that bad. Once you stop caring about consistent point of view it's halfway decent. I hit the first tender-lovin' scene yesterday and I wasn't unmoved. No one broke wind midway through "the act," so it lost a few believability points (or maybe that's just me).

You suffered through Annie Wilkes' DIY amputation kit. I can make through impossibly beautiful people a'gropin and a'sweatin.

--Chris (dFm)