Friday, June 10, 2005

Photo: New Guinea impatiens

These mixed New Guinea impatiens with blue lobelia are doing well in my back garden, nestled in a corner of the house between a patch of lily-of-the-valley and pachysandra.

Pachysandra. I don't believe I've ever typed that word before, and now I'm wondering if it means "elephant" something. Who wants to look it up for us?


Anonymous said...

Pachysandra, is a popular groundcover in the US, it will grow where little eles will grow, it practically difies weeds

Mikesell said...

According to the etymology on this site (, the name is smutty.

And you say you write romance for the deep relational issues. Your garden is telling the real story, Brenda.

--Chris (dFm)

Brenda Coulter said...

Lawyers are taught never to ask in court a question to which they do not already know the answer. I'm beginning to think that's excellent advice for bloggers, too. I just went here and learned that pachysandra comes from:
Gk. packhys "thick" + aner (gen. andros) "man," used in botany to mean "having stamens."

Ahem. Maybe we'd better get back to elephants. Since they're pachyderms and I'm figuring "derm" means "skin", it looks like pachyderm means "thick-skinned".